Tokyo Metro 05 SeriesOperated on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line, JR Chuo Line and Sobu Main Line and Toyo Rapid Railway Line
In Service: 1988 - Present Top Speed: 100km/h (Service) 110km/h (Design) 120km/h (Design - 34th formation and on) Length: 20270mm (end cars) 20000mm (middle cars) Width: 2800mm Consist/Formation: 5 motorized cars + 5 trailer cars (10 car - 1~13, 15~18, 34F~) 4 motorized cars + 6 trailer cars (10 car - 14, 19~33F) F stands for formation Electric System: 1500v DC through overhead wires Gauge: 1067mm (Narrow) Number Built: 430 cars The 05 Series is a four-door commuter-type electric multiple unit designed by the Teito Rapid Transit Authority (TRTA) to replace the 5000 Series on the Tozai Line. The Tozai Line is one of the most crowded train lines in all of Japan and the TRTA saw the need to increase the carrying capacity of its trains. Thus, the 05 Series was built. Formations 1~13 and 15~18 were chopper controlled using gate turn-off thyristors. This gave the 05 Series an advantage over the 5000 Series in acceleration. Formations 14 and also 19 and on are controlled with a variable frequency drive (Known as VVVF in Japan). Formations 14~18 have doors that are 500mm wider than the other trains. These doors were introduced to shorten the amount of time it takes for people to get on an off a crowded train. Formation 25 and on were given an entirely new end car design and also some interior changes. These trains are sometimes referred to as the 05N or 05 New Series. Production continued after the TRTA transferred its assets to Tokyo Metro but it has since switched to producing the new 15000 Series. |